In order to give you a taste of the great cities
big cultural heritage,
takes place at the
of Madrid in Spain...
Una perspectivas de futuro.
Be interested in the connections that explore the different methods of painting, like many pieces of a puzzle, they can give you a UNIQUE PICTURE on the screen of your REFLECTION if you make of them a good marriage, the marriage of the little things with the big things in a mutual sense of values and common objectives forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole ARTISTS family.
Examine the broad and integrative field investigating the evidence that humans evolution is paved with a Great Thirst for ART as an essential to move beyond their own fears and engage in open explorations of the wide range of variations found in the expression of Life.
Art is a powerful social and cultural force, it offers a unique lens through which to view many ways of being and show a clear light on the functionning of the inside vision of those involved in it....If some Artists work to make the strange familiar , DESFORM mostly uses his Art to make the familiar strange....and only his virtual exhibition at a Great Museum like the PRADO can give this appreciation to compare the various ways in which people create...
The visual world of DESFORM's paintings is filled with mysterious structures and strange symbolic meanings, everything we see seems for a changing of relationships with the things we bring to the experience (things like sensory perception, emotions, beliefs, and knowledge) in order to examine the question : what is "ART" and the roles it can play in our lives..