3 DESFORM's EXHIBITION Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Geneva Swisserland

3 DESFORM's EXHIBITION Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Geneva Swisserland :
DESFORM downloaded this photo of a "" ROOM with 4 empTV "", to use as a base presentation (lightly modified) for his Painting LE PASSEUR, but nowhere could he find the Name of the Artist for this Art.
All I know is that the Photo is from the
Centre d'Art Comtemporain
of Geneva
So If you are the Artist responsible for this setting of Art, and if you happen to see this blog, please let me know your Name and web site adress, so that I add it here for your promotion....that is, if you want to appear here in the way DESFORM choosed ?....
If not I will delete your Art and the Art of DESFORM to replace his in a new context.
Similarely, do the same, if you are the photographer and if you allow DESFORM to use your photo...
Thanks TO ALL