DESFORM arts the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York USA
DESFORM arts the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York USA :


Strong heart, be willing and disposed to ascend the steps to DESFORM's Virtual Exhibition in this World Famous place called the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, which fulfill fine its mission, one of the most beautiful missions among humanity, that is to shed a light on Man tremendous potentialities in creativity to develop his best above his worse .



1 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
1 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art :



Do not waste or abstain from the opportunities your Celest Father gave you, the longer you linger on stray lands, the harder will be your chance of success.

See those lines of grace, where you come to behold the fullfilment of your own destiny to its highest degree of intensity above all things that do not elevate your life to its summum Beauty freed from the decay in Time.

2 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
2 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art :



In Works of Love, remember the deads that helped to Freedom, but do not forget the living that are still fighting for it to be most faithful.

Reason to that  :  the best guidance to understanding life and be in gratitude for all it has given us through it's Art, that is one’s duty to love the men we do not see, but also those we do see ; no obligations, but a simple and modest return of favors, UNION FUSION of demand and response in full attention.



3 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
3 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art :



Be fortunate that the Univers where you dwell has called you to this extraordinary CHANCE to peep through the glass window exhibiting DESFORM's Art at the Metropolitan Museum of New York.  You can now let love and thanks flows for this virtual fusion of these 2 great gifts of Existencia because it contributes to the beauty of heart cheering by sensitizing to the Heart-centeredness of all genius.

4  DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
4 DESFORM at the Metropolitan Museum of Art :


Offered by the mysterious world, this practice of Art swapping for a moment in the frames of History, is the poetry of DESFORM, a vivid impulse that is necessary to show that CREATIVITY sprouts not from a vale of tears but rise from  the Vale of Wing making.